Market Reports

Strategic market analysis to inform investment conclusions

Aviation investment and financing are complex; investors, financiers, lessors and operators can face multiple business-critical choices daily. IBA can help you see clearly. We'll apply stringent data analysis and our industry knowledge to specialist fleet, values, liquidity and ESG intelligence so your decision making is fully informed.



Voted Appraiser of the Year 2022


Representing our involvement in 90% of ABS structures


Transaction and Portfolio Valuations in 2019


Years of Values and Maintenance Data

Data-Driven Analysis To Inform Investment Decisions

IBA has established relationships with leading leasing companies, operators, manufacturers, banks and investors globally. In partnership, we achieve clarity on market directions, the competitive environment and the most advantageous asset management solutions.


Propelled by IBA Insight, our revolutionary aviation intelligence, our analytical advice will help you form balanced, key decisions about diverse issues including:


  • Aviation market entry and exit strategies

  • Build or buy for growth evaluations

  • Midlife asset tactics

  • Diversification propositions

  • Regulatory, ESG or political change implications

  • Competitors' contextual performance


Aviation research and analysis are core to IBA's offering. On top of 30 years' plus proprietary data and experience, we've built an extensive, trustworthy network of aviation sector connections. Our teams boast diverse business and finance intelligence professionals and we're growing; we've added more expert data and research analysts to accelerate our service provision. Whether it's a bespoke aviation intelligence project or strategic aviation sector market analysis, we're with you every step of the way.


Examples of our aviation analytical investigations involve:


  • Commercial air transport markets

  • Aircraft liquidity

  • Commercial aircraft financing

  • Regional markets

  • Operator risk

  • Trading trends and developments

  • Lessor, operator and OEM competitive landscapes

  • Aircraft types, trends, usage and values

  • Potential risks and impacts



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