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Which aircraft engines are most exposed to the Ukraine crisis?

IBA's insight has identified that engine lessors are far less exposed to the impacts of the Ukraine Crisis than aircraft lessors.



Aircraft lessors have taken the brunt of the impact following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Whilst it is impossible to monitor spare engines within Russia, feedback to IBA from engine lessors indicates a far smaller impact, with limited overall exposure to the crisis.


IBA's InsightIQ aviation intelligence platform has identified the three most prolific commercial aircraft gas turbine engines globally, and their exposure in Russia. These insights were shared in our webinar 'Emerging Engine Value Trends for 2022'.


The Ukraine crisis has directly impacted 2.81% of CFM56-7B, and 4.71% of CFM56-5B engines fitted on leased aircraft located in the Russian Federation. 1.11% of IAE V2500-A5 engines are also directly exposed. Some engines do have larger exposure to the Russian leased market. Though a less prolific engine, there are 74 CF34-3A engines directly affected by the crisis, representing 62.71% of engines in the leased fleet. 68.81% of PowerJet SaM146 engines on leased aircraft are affected. Both the CF34-3A and SaM146 typically power regional jets.

IBA Insight shows that, overall, engine lessors are impacted less than aircraft lessors by the Ukraine Crisis


Our aircraft engine experts can provide specialist utilisation and values advice on the global engine fleet, allowing our clients to make fully informed investment decisions based on the latest aviation intelligence. For more information about our services, please reach out to David Archer, IBA's Head of General Aviation & Aftermarket Value.

Contact David Archer


Whilst the Russian proportion of the global engine fleet is small overall, it is important to appreciate that those engines that are affected are unlikely to be recoverable. Only a few commercial aircraft engines have been recovered so far, and IBA's insight indicates that recoveries will be very rare going forward.


IBA's InsightIQ analysis platform flexibly illustrates multiple asset, fleet and market positions, actual and potential, to inform client choices and identify acquisition opportunities. Immediate access to crucial aircraft, engine, lease rate and fleet data eases appreciation of historic and future aircraft concentrations and operator profiles.

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