IBA in partnership with KPMG, join forces to explore key market indicators for the aviation industry. Together, the panel discuss global market performance and the outlook for the coming months. Will the traditionally busy Northern Hemisphere summer deliver for the industry?
Using InsightIQ aviation intelligence, join Phil Seymour, Mike Yeomans from IBA, and Kieran O'Brien from KPMG, as they discuss the following questions:
What are the current key industry trends across regions?
Will we see more consolidation in the leasing space?
What is the outlook for airlines in the next 6 month?
Will the "new" ABS structures improve credit risk and cash retention?
Are asset values stabilising?
Is the industry preparing for tighter ESG within aviation?
The slide deck is available to download here.
If you have any further questions, comments or feedback please get in touch: Mike Yeomans
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