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- IBARMI推出新《Pegasus指南》之际获得该资格 -

- RMI将向《Pegasus指南》用户推荐市场领先的排放报告和分析工具IBA NetZero



领先的航空市场情报和咨询公司IBA日前宣布,其已获得落基山研究所(Rocky Mountain Institute,RMI)的认证,成为新《Pegasus指南》的数据提供商。作为排放和航空数据提供商,IBA将向《Pegasus指南》用户呈现市场领先的排放报告和分析工具IBA NetZero




IBA NetZero是市场上最先进的商业航空排放报告和分析工具。利用该工具,用户能够了解航空业减碳工作所面临的风险和机遇,包括机队更新的影响,以及到2050年实现净零排放的成本。IBA NetZero报告模块支持用户履行其范围3报告义务,提供航空公司、租赁商、飞机或机队/投资组合层面的排放报告。这使得银行和金融机构能够轻松、准确地评估其投资组合的排放强度,以践行对《Pegasus指南》的承诺。


该指南的用户还可以利用IBA NetZero创建投资案例,并确定其未来机队的最佳碳效率,从而从关键角度解决可持续金融领域的最大问题。


IBA产品开发和数字转型总监Nick Stafford指出,“从航空公司到金融机构,从政策制定者到个人,只有全行业通力合作,才能实现航空业的去碳化和净零碳排放。正是基于这种认识,IBA决定与RMI合作,获得航空气候协调融资数据提供商的资格。”


“我们期待与《Pegasus指南》这一革命性工具的用户们展开合作,共同发挥IBA NetZero的卓越优势,提供碳排放数据和行业洞察,以推动整个行业迈向碳中和的未来。”




马绍尔群岛共和国气候金融中心部门去碳化工作负责人Estefania Marchan表示:“在制定《Pegasus指南》的过程中,RMI全面参与了的数据鉴定过程,以寻找能够为《指南》用户提供最高标准的第三方排放和航空报告的数据提供商。”


IBA’s Webinar: A Progress Update – The Journey to Net Zero
网络研讨会22Mar 2024

IBA’s Webinar: A Progress Update – The Journey to Net Zero

In our latest aviation ESG update webinar of 2024, IBA President Phil Seymour, along with Jeni Stanley, ESG - Manager, and industry guest speaker Haldane Dodd from the Air Transport Action Group examined the latest regulations, industry developments, and global influences and highlight the critical issues on the journey to decarbonise aviation. Summary Over the hour, our panel discussed the industry's climate goals, including reducing emissions by half of 2005 levels by 2050, and the steps outlined in the Waypoint 2050 report to achieve this. The role of governments and the financial community in achieving these goals was also discussed, with an estimated $1.5 trillion needed in capital investment for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production over the next 25 years.   The webinar also touched on the impact of political changes and regulations on the industry, the potential impact on ticket prices, and the industry's efforts towards sustainability, including the use of SAF and future technology pathways such as Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and hydrogen propulsion. Despite these efforts, a poll revealed that most participants believe the industry will not meet the net zero target by 2050.   "The challenge of reaching net zero by 2050 requires continuous effort from all parts of the sector, not just the big airlines. The industry is exploring future technology pathways such as Carbon Capture and Storage and hydrogen propulsion. However, the industry also needs the support of governments, the energy industry, and the finance industry to achieve its sustainability goals."   The webinar also reintroduced our ESG Consulting team and IBA NetZero Reporting, the latest addition to IBA NetZero for reporting Scope 3 aviation emissions.   Click the button below to watch on-demand   Watch On-demand

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