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Key Trends for Global Aviation in 2023 - The IBA Perspective

In this short report, our experts Dr Stuart Hatcher, Geoff van Klaveren and Mike Yeomans share their expectations for the year ahead, examining macroeconomic factors, supply and demand, and challenges to airlines and aircraft values.




It’s been another challenging year for the global aviation industry. Amidst the rebound in demand following the pandemic, we have faced new challenges, from War in Europe, to constantly changing lockdowns in the Chinese market. As ever, the IBA team has been on hand to share our insights and expertise and support our clients worldwide.


In this short report, our experts Dr Stuart Hatcher, Geoff van Klaveren and Mike Yeomans share their expectations for the year ahead, examining macroeconomic factors, supply and demand, and challenges to airlines and aircraft values.



Download the report


If you have any further questions, please contact: [email protected]

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