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Covid-19: One year on, how well have ABS structures performed?

25 March 2021

15:00 - 16:00

As we approach the first anniversary of global travel restrictions and extraordinary levels of grounded aircraft due to Covid-19, IBA in partnership with Split Rock Aviation, once more join forces to explore ABS vehicles. Together, the panel will review market performance, resilience and how the structures have and will need to adapt to prepare for the future.

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Using InsightIQ data from IBA, join Phil Seymour and Clay Smith as they discuss:


  • How has the market performed?

  • What are the mechanisms to provide cash for maintenance?

  • How will vehicles deal with early returns?

  • What is the impact of lease holidays and the impact on cash flows?

  • How have ABS asset values changed?

  • What is the market appetite for new transactions?

  • How have structures adapted and prepared for the future?


Register here


The data used in this webinar is from InsightIQ, our leading data intelligence platform for aviation finance. InsightIQ combines speed, accuracy, visual analytics and intuitive navigation to deliver actionable insight from comprehensive, integrated fleet, values, flight, carbon and market aviation data. More information can be found here.


Can't make it?
Register anyway, all registrants will receive a copy of the materials after the session.


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