ESG Consulting

The global aviation industry contributes just 2.5% of all man-made CO2 emissions but is determined to play its part in addressing the issue of climate change. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has set a target of achieving net zero by 2050 which the industry will try to reach through a combination of better engine efficiency, emerging technologies like hydrogen and electric-powered aircraft and sustainable aviation fuels.

We expect new regulation to be passed which will require companies to understand and report on their risk exposure across the whole ESG agenda. IBA is uniquely positioned to help aviation companies navigate this large and growing programme of work.

IBA wins Sustainability Technology Award for 2023 

We’re delighted to announce that IBA NetZero has once again won the Sustainability Technology Award at the 2023 Aviation 100 Sustainability / ESG Awards.









The Aviation Conversation - ESG

In this edition of our popular Aviation Conversation series, IBA's Phil Seymour, Jeni Stanley and Danny Thurtle discuss the challenges faced by the aviation industry as it adapts to the ever changing world of ESG regulations and the road to carbon net zero.

Sustainable finance

Investors are increasingly integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into their investment decisions. IBA's steeped in aviation and finance expertise, putting it in pole position to support issuers in the aviation sector. IBA can act as a Second-Party Opinion (SPO) service for green and sustainability bonds.


Emissions monitoring and forecasting

IBA helps Corporate Sustainability, Finance and Investor Relations departments within airlines to monitor and report their emissions and to compare them against the industry. We partner with lessors to monitor their aircraft portfolio's carbon footprint and evaluate how it compares against industry peers. IBA can also forecast scenarios based on future fleet profiles taking into account use of Sustainable Aviation fuels.


ESG Ratings

IBA provides ESG ratings for major global airlines , scoring them according to environmental criteria such as carbon emissions, social factors like diversity and governance standards including board independence. In contrast to other ESG ratings providers, IBA's ranking is exclusively focused on providing the highest quality evaluation specifically for the aviation sector. We've established the benchmark. Comparing ESG ratings between different sectors is of limited value because they are typically not interchangeable. Aviation is vital for global economic growth. IBA's ranking powers stakeholders to reach the best informed decision available within the aviation sector.


ESG Strategy

We can boost your ESG strategy. Our in-depth industrial knowledge fuels our ability to devise an ESG strategy that's challenging yet realistic. IBA will develop the plan, the internal and external communication policy, the regulatory context and the tools to track ongoing performance. If help's required to implement an ESG programme, we'll partner with transformation experts to give you the delivery assurance you need.


How are IBA supporting the aviation industry to navigate the journey to Net Zero?

Watch our video


New technology

Perhaps you're considering investing in new technology. We can give you expert advice. Our experienced engineers not only understand gas turbine engines, they're also skilled at evaluating electric aircraft including battery technology.



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Carbon Markets and SAF: Can SAF Achieve Price Parity with Jet A?

Carbon Markets and SAF: Can SAF Achieve Price Parity with Jet A?

Carbon markets play a pivotal role in decarbonising the energy sector, offering a "carrot and stick" approach to incentivise emission reductions and generate capital for green projects. In aviation, one application is to provide a crucial financial incentive for the uptake of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) to meet mandates and blend targets.   Policies recognise SAF as a key tool in emission reduction. Although its tank-to-wake emissions are similar to that of conventional jet fuel, SAF has a carbon-negative production process which can result in significantly lower lifecycle emissions. This distinction makes SAF a critical component in aviation's path to net zero.   Two market-based measures dominate in Europe: the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). Both are carbon market-centric, but they operate independently and have no immediate plans for integration. In fact, the EU ETS is under review for extending its scope to all flights into and out of the EU after 2026, potentially further reducing global exposure to CORSIA.   Despite their similarities, they both represent very different carbon markets – the EU ETS, associated with the act of emitting, is affected by sector wide emissions and thus demand for credits. Mandatory CORSIA participation allows airlines to mitigate their cumulative emissions and is affected by the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) and the ambitiousness of accepted offset accreditations.   Feature EU ETS CORSIA Structure Cap-and-trade system Offsetting scheme Carbon Market Well-established, high prices VCM - Under development, low prices SAF Policy Free allowances for SAF and tank-to-wake exemption Reduced offsetting for SAF use Coverage Flights within the EEA International flights Participation Mandatory Voluntary (pilot phase), mandatory from 2027 Price (June 2024) €69/t €3/t   Table 1 - the key differences between EU ETS and CORSIA, focusing on carbon markets   CORSIA and the VCM Airlines have been heavily scrutinised for the use of carbon offsets, as a “right to pollute”.  Despite this, the first global emissions regulation, CORSIA, requires purchasing carbon offsets from the VCM, which, as the name suggests is not designed for compliance. Currently, airlines can purchase these offsets for as little as $3/t CO2, implying a lack of ambitiousness and stringency to CORSIA. Nevertheless, with growing fundamental demand for offsets, IBA Analysis expects VCM carbon prices to reach as high as $200 for aviation before 2040.     IBA calculated the theoretical carbon price that would bring each SAF pathway in line with Jet A. HEFA requires the lowest carbon price of $520/t CO2. With extreme carbon prices required, it demonstrates the un-ambitiousness of CORSIA and its dependency on the VCM for incentivising SAF uplift. The range of prices represent the different types of SAF available, considering emissions reduction and price.     Figure 1 – the range of VCM prices at which if claimed under CORSIA, SAF will be price competitive with Jet A   EU ETS and the proposed SAF allowance The EU ETS is a cornerstone of the EU’s strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in aviation. Operating as a cap-and-trade system, it sets a limit on the total amount of CO2 emissions allowed from airlines operating within the EU. This cap is gradually reduced over time, to zero in 2026, creating a scarcity of allowances that incentivises airlines to reduce their emissions. The ETS operates through a carbon market, where airlines can buy or sell allowances based on their individual emission levels. Airlines that exceed their allocated allowances must purchase additional allowances from the market, while those that reduce emissions below their allocation can sell excess allowances. Uptake of SAF allows airlines to reduce exposure through emissions exemption.   In a bid to accelerate the adoption of SAF and mitigate the cost of removing free allowances to the aviation industry, the EU ETS has proposed a dedicated SAF allowance mechanism. Under this proposal, a reserve of 20 million allowances, with an estimated value of €1.7 billion at current carbon prices (June 2024), has been set aside until 2030. These allowances will be granted to aircraft operators based on the amount of SAF they uplift, incentivising the transition away from fossil fuels. It's worth noting that the full implementation details of this SAF allowance are still under development, with additional legislation expected in the near future.   Criteria Description Notable SAF types Eligibility of price differential EU ETS Exemption RFNBO Produced from renewable electricity PtL 95% Yes Advanced Biofuels Derived from feedstocks listed in Part A of Annex IX of the REDII Advanced HEFA, AtJ 70% Yes Other eligible fuels All other SAF that meets RED II sustainability criteria HEFA - UCO 50% Yes   Table 2 – the proposed structure of the EU ETS SAF allowance   Under the allowance, the EU are said to cover a proportion of SAF to incentivise uptake and reduce compliance costs. Additionally, all considered tank-to-wake SAF emissions are exempt from the ETS. Whilst this is expected to significantly increase SAF demand, the demand induced by the ReFuelEU mandate is for volume of SAF, instead of emission reduction, therefore you would expect to see slower AtJ and PtL demand before significant mandates are required in 2035.     Figure 2 – The SAF price that is price competitive with Jet A under a given EU ETS Price, considering SAF allowance and EU ETS exemption   There is a relationship between the price of each SAF criteria with the EU ETS carbon price that makes it price competitive with kerosene. The Other and Advanced Biofuel categories show an inelastic SAF price, whilst the RFNBO shows an elastic SAF price. At the current ETS price in June 2024 (€69), other SAF must be purchased at €1,217 for it to be price competitive with kerosene, whilst Advanced Biofuels and RFNBOs must be purchased at €1,480 and €4,770, respectively.   Relationship between two carbon markets It's evident that carbon prices and the ambition of legislation can influence the relative cost of SAF uptake. Currently, CORSIA compliance is inexpensive, and since SAF isn't exempt, airlines are more inclined to claim under the EU ETS.   As airlines establish ambitious blending targets, the varying benefits of SAF uptake across different policies can significantly impact its adoption at regional airports. If CORSIA remains unambitious and airlines are compelled to use the Book and Claim mechanism under the ReFuelEU policy (structure to be announced July 1st, 2024), regional SAF prices could be affected. Increased EU subsidies and tax breaks for SAF, coupled with cross-exposure blend targets, may strain EU SAF supply and drive prices upwards. This highlights the importance of harmonising global emission policies and carbon markets to maximise competitiveness while effectively decarbonising aviation.   Following the implementation of the ReFuelEU Book and Claim policy on July 1st, IBA will publish a case study assessing the feasibility of meeting SAF blend targets in 2030.   IBA Group is leading the aviation emissions agenda with a dedicated ESG consulting team backed by our IBA NetZero platform, winner of the Aviation 100 Sustainability Technology Award for 2022 & 2023. If you have any questions or need support with navigating emissions policies, please get in touch. 




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